Accidents / Near Miss Reporting

Course ID : TEC268
Course Duration : 5 Days
City : Abu Dhabi
Location : UAE
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Course objectives:   

1-This training will help delegates to be aware about the near miss

 2-think and act proactively, understand what is behind the near miss incidents

3-understand the luck factors which determine the outcome of the event

4-Gain knowledge of risk assessment techniques on near miss incidents to identify potential loss event

5- examples of near miss incidents


Some of the Course outlines:

  1. Defining incidents
  2. Defining near miss
  3. Accidents sequence
  4. Safety performance measurement by near miss
  5. Why near miss important?
  6. Near miss recognition
  7. Game of identifying the near miss
  8. Near miss reporting and methodology
  9. Reporting formal, informal and privacy  
  10. Practice in near miss reporting
  11.  Near miss ranking
  12. Ranking Consequence and actions
  13. Near miss investigation, follow up and outputs
  14. Accident ratios Vs Near miss ratio
  15. Risk assessment and near miss
  16. Near miss and organization culture
  17. Near miss areas
  18. Cost of near miss Vs cost of accidents